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MDCMS using MDOPEN to Modernize RPGIII to free-format RPG using Open-source tools.  

I have been using open source software to modernize some of our code and it works seamlessly with MDCMS and MDOPEN.

MDOPEN is a plug-in to RDi and enables a developer to switch between RDi source code maintenance and Change control from the same application window.

Object Requests in MDOpen

In the screen above, all the objects I have requested have two entries - one to delete the old RPGIII source and another linked attribute that basically checks out the old source to a new RPGFREE source file where it can be modernized in it's new home.

This allows the developer to keep track of what has been converted and what's left to convert.

In RDi I have created user defined commands to run the conversion.

I have heavily modified the open source conversion tools to cater for my RPGIII programs as they have been generated by an an old CASE tool.

So if I request an object to convert here is what MDOPEN gives me.

Note: I've told MDCMS I want to delete the old RPGIII source, as I've linked this attribute to a new RPGFREE attribute, I will be prompted for the new version.

Now MDOPEN displays the Request for the linked Object which is what is converted to free-format RPG using the open-source tools I have.

When I press 'process selections' MDOPEN confirms where the source is copied from/to.

I can then press 'save' and the source will be copied to my work area. This is where I use the tools I have to convert to free-format RPG.

What I have will just convert all the source or just the calculations. Some people still prefer fixed format F + D specs.

Once I have converted and tested the requested object, I can add it to a list of objects to be promoted to the next level.

The conversion process has been optimised to convert AS/SET generated RPGIII to free-format RPG, if you have any old AS/SET generated RPGIII code we would be happy to convert a sample for you.

Please use the contact tab on the side of our Contact Page to request a sample conversion.   

#ibmi, #IBMiChangeControl, #ibmiChangeManagement, #mdcms, #Modernization, #rpg

IBMi Security,Tools ,Change Control and Support